Dr. Candace White - The Lifestyle Doc

Dr. Candace White

The Lifestyle Doc

If you change your lifestyle, you change your health. I'm here to help you with both.


As a board-certified physician with a passion for health and wellness, I empower you to decode your body's signals and provide the tools you need to achieve life balance.



We are disproportionately suffering from...


The majority of individuals in our society experience these issues without recognizing the signs or understanding the messages their bodies convey. It remains largely unnoticed that everything is interconnected—what affects your mental state also influences your physical well-being, leading to stress on both the mind and body.

We need more clarity about what they are, how they work, and what can be done about them.



I'm Dr. Candace White

Wife, Mother, Author and Physician

I am Dr. Candace White, a board-certified primary care physician, public health leader, and patient advocate, who serves the greater Atlanta, GA area. Working on the frontline, I am dedicated to serving my community and patients alike.

As your personal physician, I'm here to simplify complex medical concepts, enabling you to comprehend your body's dynamics and take effective actions. No medical jargon – just real conversation and guidance.

My role involves aiding you in establishing a structured approach, granting you the ability to assume control over your well-being. My objective centers around enhancing the quality of life for my patients. This is achieved through consistent care, informative guidance, and empowerment – a mission I am fully dedicated to.


Let’s Work Together

My work helps in eradicating health disparities and ensuring that everyone has the tools and resources to thrive. 

Hypertension is one of the predominant risk factors for developing heart disease and is a silent killer. Let’s work together to connect the dots and make the information relatable, less complex, and get you to your optimal level of health.

Online Courses

Transformative online courses designed to educate and empower individuals on managing chronic diseases, reducing stress, and improving mental health.


Wellness Workshops

Interactive workshops that provide hands-on experiences and opportunities for participants to learn and apply health-promoting strategies.


Keynote Speaker

Personalaized wellness speaches designed to lead crowds onn a journey towards attaining their unique health and wellness objectives.


Client Testimonials

  • India Roberts

    "The mastermind I attended with Dr. Candace White on how to prevent high blood pressure, anxiety and chronic stress with lifestyle was excellent! It was very informative and was highly engaging. What truly stood out to me was the practicality of the mastermind. Dr. Candace didn't just provide information; she equipped us with actionable steps to implement in our daily lives. The session was a perfect blend of education, self-reflection, and hands-on exercises that allowed us to dig deep and apply the knowledge immediately."



Looking for a Charismatic Speaker for Your Next Event?

I'm excited to offer captivating presentations that will educate, motivate, and inspire your audience. My distinctive storytelling style, paired with my expertise in lifestyle medicine and chronic disease management, ensures an engaging and memorable experience for your event.

I have a proven track record of effectively conveying industry insights and evidence-based practices, creating an environment that fosters positive change among listeners. 


Born In A Pandemic…A Mother’s Precious Gift

This book shares an inspiring COVID-19 birth story. Overcoming fears, the mother shares experiences and encourages hope, celebrating life.



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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the focus of Dr. White's objective as a physician?

    Dr. White's objective is to enhance patients' quality of life through consistent care, guidance, and empowerment.

  • How does Dr. White help patients understand their body's signals?

    Dr. White's expertise allows her to decode the messages your body sends, ensuring you don't overlook important signs that could impact your health. She works closely with individuals to set personalized goals, provide guidance, and offer ongoing support for achieving better health.

  • Why is Dr. White's approach unique in managing hypertension?

    Dr. White's approach to hypertension involves breaking down complex information, making it accessible, and empowering individuals to manage their blood pressure effectively.

  • Can you elaborate on the connection between mental health and physical well-being?

    The link between mental health and physical well-being is strong and intricate. Our thoughts and emotions can impact our body's functioning, including immune response, inflammation, and behaviors like eating and exercising. Taking care of our mental health is vital for maintaining overall well-being and preventing health issues.

  • How can I participate in Dr. Candace White's workshops and courses?

    You can engage in her workshops, online courses, and wellness coaching to learn and apply strategies for better health and well-being.

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